La rencontre annuelle de Justice et Paix Europe regroupant plus de 80 délégations des différentes commissions européennes se déroulera à Taizé (France) du 22 au 25 Septembre ! (Anglais)
**On Spiritual Roots and Political Fruits
***Annual meeting of Justice and Peace Europe in Taizé
Fifty years after the creation of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, the European Conference of Justice and Peace Commissions (Justice and Peace Europe) will hold its annual meeting in Taizé/France from 22 to 25 September 2017. 80 delegates from more than twenty national commissions will be welcomed by Archbishop Jean-Claude Hollerich from Luxembourg, the president of Justice and Peace Europe, and by Brother Alois, the prior of the Taizé Community. During the meeting they will reflect on ways of deepening their spirituality in order to improve their service for social justice and peace in Europe and the world. Another matter of discussion will be a better integration of the intentions of the encyclical letter Laudato Si in the work of Justice and Peace Europe.
Cardinal Peter Turkson, prefect of the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Developement will attend the meeting and address the delegates. Further speakers are Mr. Nick Spencer from the London based Think Tank Theos, Dr Pablo Martinez d’Anguita from the technical University of Madrid and Rev. Claire Sixte-Gateuille, who is representing the ecumenical network CEC. A European symbolic action will be organised together with the Global Catholic Climate Movement on Sunday 24 September in order to “respond to the cry of the Earth and the cry of the Poor”. In the course of a general assembly on Monday 25 September, the European Justice and Peace delegates will hear reports from the Council of Europe and the European Union. They will also adopt the theme of the 2018 annual concerted action of the network.
Secretary Justice & Peace