Towards a safer world?

2014_justice_et_paix_revue_pppx_86_trimestre1_couverture.jpgNews. Views and positions: Dialogue between NGOs and the private sector is possible! File: Towards a safer world? –First thought: Belgique. Des politiques anti-terrorisme tellement efficaces pour lutter contre… la liberté d’expression –Second thought: Le droit de la guerre et les “robots tueurs” –Portrait/Point of view: Les menaces terroristes autour des Jeux olympiques d’hiver de Sotchi : la guerre larvée du Nord-Caucase Pour Parler de Paix n°86 – March 2014


Our eyes are gradually turning away from Eastern Europe. For a few weeks, we were bombarded with information: Sochi and the sumptuousness of its Olympic facilities. kyiv, its struggle for democracy… and the impressive images of what many have rightly described as a bloodbath. Today, many observers seem to believe in the Ukrainian democratic transition... and this while we are already talking about Crimea and its separatist tensions. Furthermore, the end of the Winter Olympics allows us to forget the hypocrisy of this smokescreen behind which we have glimpsed the disrespect for fundamental human rights. Are we guilty of interference when we are concerned about the social and environmental damage to our neighbors? Is it not the role of European citizens to demand action from their political leaders? On the eve of the European elections of May 25, 2014, we ask a question: what Europe do we want? The bet that Justice and Peace is making is that of a strong and coherent Europe with its principles of justice and respect for human rights... at home but also in its relations with the rest of the world. Let’s vote…and vote well. Axelle Fischer General Secretary



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