Complotisme : comment démêler le vrai du faux ?

Enjeu majeur de notre temps, le complotisme demande une action collective et individuelle afin de renforcer la résilience de nos sociétés.
On the road to sustainable consumer products

This analysis summarizes the state of play of the various measures to improve the sustainability of our consumer products.
Discovering a sober society

“Slow down or Perish: the economics of degrowth” is the title of the book written by Timothée Parrique which establishes new bases for thinking about society differently. Let's take the exercise one step further.
Climate, pandemic, Ukraine: impacts and perspectives on European resilience

From a theoretical point of view, European resilience means the Union's ability to “resist, adapt and recover quickly in the event of a [crisis] without compromising its long-term development”. From a practical and current point of view, it means ensuring the energy independence of the Union through an ecological transition.
“Demain, aurons-nous encore assez de métaux pour faire face à nos besoins ?” Carte blanche – La Libre

Carte blanche from Géraldine Duquenne, research and advocacy officer at the Justice & Peace Commission. The Free.
What ecological transition for tomorrow? Energy, climate, metals (Part 3)

To stem the ecological catastrophe, sobriety is essential. It is urgent that our politicians admit this and take control of it.
What ecological transition for tomorrow? Energy, climate, metals (Part 2)

The ecological transition is very dependent on metals but the supply risks not being able to meet the rapidly growing demand, among other limits linked to these resources.
What ecological transition for tomorrow? Energy, climate, metals (Part 1)

If the ecological transition is essential, certain key aspects such as economic growth or the limits to renewable energies seem too little thought through.
We demand a more just and humane migration policy

Between January and May 2022, 25 young volunteers participated in the “Young people and migration: from observation to action” project.
Andalusia: laboratory of European mining renewal

Is mining the future of Europe? Focus on Spain, in the midst of a mining revival “in the service” of the ecological transition.