On the road to sustainable consumer products

This analysis summarizes the state of play of the various measures to improve the sustainability of our consumer products.
Discovering a sober society

“Slow down or Perish: the economics of degrowth” is the title of the book written by Timothée Parrique which establishes new bases for thinking about society differently. Let's take the exercise one step further.
Climate change and the costs of transition

Climate change and environmental degradation constitute a major global challenge that has a significant collective impact.
Minerals in construction: how to reduce the ecological bill?

Focus on the issues and impacts of non-metallic minerals in the construction sector. What alternatives for more sustainability?
La technologie sauvera-t-elle la planète? – Carte blanche, L’Echo.

Dans cette carte blanche pour le journal L’Echo, Géraldine Duquenne, Chargée de Recherche et plaidoyer à la Commission Justice et Paix, s’interroge sur le recours systématique à la technologie, à son impact écologique, aux limites qu’elle présente … mais aussi à ses alternatives.
RCF – La technologie va-t’elle sauver la planète?

La technologie va t’elle sauver la planète? C’est la question que se pose Géraldine Duquenne dans son analyse. Géraldine est chargée de recherche et plaidoyer pour Justice et Paix, ONG d’éducation permanente impliquée dans la défense des droits humains et la justice.
Will technology save the planet?

Faced with the ecological crisis, our decision-makers are relying on technology and digital technology. What social project is behind all this?
From our homes to open-air landfills in the countries of the Global South, what route does our electrical and electronic waste take?

Smartphones, computers, robot vacuum cleaners, etc. All this electrical and electronic equipment delights consumers and fills our homes and our drawers.
Pour Parler de Paix : “Vers la société de demain”

Building the society of tomorrow. This is the inconsiderable burden that falls to us today. This is nothing new and yet the unsustainability of our lifestyles has made the task much more difficult than before.
Climate change: from scenarios to action

Tomorrow's society will undeniably live with climate change, whether it seeks to mitigate it or must adapt to it.