Elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo: what challenges for 2023?

One year before the Congolese elections, this analysis offers you a glance at the challenges to be taken up by the institutions and civil society organizations of the DR Congo so that the country commits towards greater transparency and inclusiveness. and appeasement for these 2023 elections.

Democratic societies: systems of conflictual cooperation and interdependence

In the previous issue of “To Speak Peace”, all the articles clearly highlighted, starting from the war situation in Ukraine, different challenges. The perspective outlined here intends to take stock of the possibility of interactions between different, even opposing, social groups for a more solid construction of democratic life.

International solidarity put to the test by Covid-19

The spread of Covid-19 across the world has made it possible to understand the proximity of global interactions as well as the ineffectiveness of borders alone in being able to contain and stop the spread of a virus. The interconnection of parts of the world which seems to be necessary requires a global systemic revision.