Le pôle plaidoyer de Justice & Paix est actif sur des questions de droits humains, démocratie, ressources naturelles, impunité, etc. Nos nombreuses thématiques de plaidoyer se complètent dans le but d’œuvrer pour plus de paix et de justice. Découvrez-ici notre plaidoyer sur la transition écologique et les enjeux des métaux.
Justice and Peace aims to enlighten political decision-makers on the metal issues. The ecological transition, as conceived today, is based on technologies (electric batteries, renewable energies, digital, etc.) that are highly dependent on metals (cobalt, nickel, lithium, copper, etc.).
Yet, these natural resources are non-renewable – the stock is finite – and their extraction has serious impacts on populations and their environment. Our decision-makers must re-appropriate these limits and integrate them into the ecological transition project. collective sobriety, that is to say, decide democratically to reduce our production and consumption of energy and natural resources by modifying our uses and our lifestyles.
For this, we carry out un travail d’analyse, political advocacy as well as several concrete actions !
We cannot continue to live without limits in a world with limited resources.
This plea on ecological transition and metals a été développé spécifiquement à partir de janvier 2021 sur base d’un projet en collaboration avec Mutual Aid and Fraternity called “Sauvons notre maison commune”. Justice & Peace focuses its action and expertise on political decision-makers. The part of the project carried out by Entraide et Fraternité concerns raising awareness and putting Catholic schools and communities into action. You can discover this section here.
For a first approach to the content of the advocacy carried out by Justice & Peace with decision-makers, consult analyzes and press appearances following!
Justice & Paix a mené d’autres concrete actions to inform and raise awareness among political decision-makers and citizens about the need d’une transition écologique sobre et juste.
In March 2022, we launched a video campaign on our social networks called “Pour une transition écologique sobre et juste – Interpelle tes élu·es”. Through 5 short video clips, Justice & Peace wishes to raise awareness among an audience aged 18 to 30 about the need to sobriety as a social project. The campaign led to an evening with committed young people organized in collaboration with Youth for climate And the construction of political proposals.
Watch the campaign videos on the right.
Find the advocacy that emerged here !
On May 16, 2022, Justice & Peace and the Belgian Network for Natural Resources (RBRN) organized a political seminar aimed at political representatives, civil society actors and the private sector. Different personalities from the academic world addressed the unthoughts of the ecological transition tels que l’impasse de la croissance économique, les limites des énergies renouvelables, les métaux, l’économie circulaire, … pour en arriver à l’impératif de la sobriété et de l’écologie intégrale as possible solutions.
You can find the presentations of this seminar on our Youtube channel!
On the same theme, discover our file on the minerals of the energy transition.
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