“Rencontrer l’Afrique”: le vécu d’une auditrice, Axelle Fischer

Broadcast from the French-speaking Christian Radio (RCF) of Brussels

Listening to Africans, their human and religious communities, their cultures and tradition, their Church.

Program presented by Fr. Jan Lenssen M.Afr. (PB)

Program broadcast every Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m.

Brussels 107.6 FM

Duration: 25 minutes

Producer, presenter: P. Jan Lenssen M.Afr. (Amani Center)

Program from March 24 to April 7, 2010:

-Wednesday March 24: Meeting with Mad. Axelle Fischer (Justice & Peace Belgium)

The second African Synod: The experience of a listener.

-Wednesday March 31: Meeting with Mgr Jan De Groef M.Afr.

Bishop of Bethlehem, South Africa.

-Wednesday April 7: Meeting with Fr. Aurélien Saniko CSSp. (Cameroon)

Composer, author, performer.


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