Nous vivons une période de turbulence globale. La crise de 2007-2008 a montré les fissures d’un système capitaliste en décadence. Il s’agit d’une crise à multiples facettes : at the economic level, we observe the fragility of our national economies subject to the dictates of international finance. While strict austerity measures are systematically applied in Europe and elsewhere, we observe the multiplication of tax evasion schemes which our leaders do not make a priority. The crisis is also social, because in the name of austerity and competitiveness, our civic freedoms and the solidarity necessary for the construction of a healthy and inclusive social fabric are eroded. It is also ecological, because the technical and technological advancements of our era, driven by the hegemonic paradigm of growth, are based on the overexploitation of our natural resources in order to produce and consume ever more without taking into account the limits of the planet.
Finally, The crisis is also moral. The consequences of our actions are all the more visible and tangible as our world becomes more interconnected today. The consequences are concrete and can be experienced by future generations if we do not change course.
In this context, as citizens, we are called to act, to take democracy and solidarity back in hand to build together a more inclusive and just society, ainsi qu’un nouveau narratif/discours sur le « développement », le « progrès » et la « croissance ». Il s’agit d’imaginer et de co-construire un monde qui puisse refléter la diversité, la richesse d’expériences, cultures, cosmologies et langues qui lui sont intrinsèques. Il s’agit donc d’imaginer et d’adopter des valeurs et des modes de vie radicalement différents, qui aient au centre le respect de l’environnement et des personnes.
Fortunately these collective 'brainstormings' have already started and we see, all over the world, concrete alternatives being put in place. In this context, Latin America represents both a terrain of struggles and resistance, as well as a place where several alternatives are explored and implemented within communities.. From agro-ecology to collective and self-managed management of energy resources, including popular education and attempts at direct democracy, the seeds of profound change are underway.
As volunteers of the Latin America Group within the Justice and Peace Commission – Francophone Belgium, we are inspired by these experiences and wish to engage in these reflections and concrete actions. This is why we wanted to give voice to these actors and actresses who carry discourses and projects which are part of another development model. A fairer, more balanced model, more respectful of the rights of women and men and the environment.