What is happiness ? How can we measure it and take it into account in public policies? What are the issues and consequences in our daily lives? Will we be actors in this reflection and these choices?
Theme : Social justice
Author : Laure Malchair
Number of pages: 106 p.
Editor : Editions Couleur Livres
Year : 2013
Price : Downloadable for free – Paper version for €5 (+ shipping costs)
Starting from and around these questions, the book analyzes and puts into perspective the debate on well-being indicators. It presents six complementary indicators to GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and reflects on the role of citizens and politicians in their construction as compasses for our societies. Today, there is a real need to clarify these issues in the eyes of citizens, to form an opinion and act.
“ In clear and accessible language, Laure Malchair takes the reader behind the scenes of the GDP factory and highlights the main issues surrounding the construction and development of new wealth indicators, an essential step in designing and then promoting a new model of development". (Extract from the preface by Dominique Méda, professor at Paris Dauphine University).