The fight against impunity in eastern Congo, current situation and perspectives

Justice & Peace is organizing a conference-debate for the general public in collaboration with the Forum Saint Michel. This will begin with the speaking of 3 speakers followed by open debates. This will take place at the Forum Saint-Michel on October 26 from 7 to 9 p.m. Registration required here.

Themes covered during the conference-debate

The question of impunity remains a recurring problem in DR Congo which is one year away of the next presidential elections (2023).

The fight against the culture of impunity with regard to crimes committed in the east of the DR Congo, those reported by the Maping Report as well as those linked to the daily management of the country.

The prospects for remedying this, in order to establish a rule of law and fight against corruption (one of the slogans most touted by President Tshisekedi and his government).

credit: MONUSCO photos

Why a conference on the subject of impunity in DR Congo?

A general inspection of Finance has been established, but with what impact?

The populations of the DRC and especially those in the East do not perceive any impact despite the establishment of a state of siege in North Kivu and in the province of Ituri.

The Mapping report, which reports crimes occurring between 1993 and 2003, appears to have no deterrent effect. Dr Mukwege has made it his hobby horse through his global advocacy against impunity. Justice & Peace reflects on the continuity of this plea, for the return of the rule of law in Central Africa.

This conference will nourish the action and advocacy perspectives of our association. It will also lead to analyzes on the issue.


  • Colette Braeckman, journalist for the daily Le Soir (Brussels), has specialized for more than forty years in information on Africa, more particularly Central Africa. Author of numerous works including Mobutu's Zaire (Fayard, 1992), Rwanda, history of a genocide (Fayard, 1994), The new predators (Fayard, 2003), The man who repairs women – the fight of Doctor Mukwege (GRIP) and The silent cry of the hills (co-author, Color books).

  • Ben Kamuntu, member of the Lucha (Fight for Change), a citizen movement of committed young Congolese and talented slammers. Ben will show one of his clips on the theme of impunity.

  • Philippe Lardinois, lawyer at the Brussels bar, intervened in four assize trials concerning thehe genocide of the Tutsis in Rwanda. In the spirit of his contribution to the book The silent cry of the hills, he will discuss “The limits of the probative value in justice of the Mapping report”.

  • Dieudonné Wamu Oyatambwe, political scientist, specialist in Central Africa and researcher associated with the VUB, will give his reading of the attempts and limits of initiatives on the ground in relation to impunity in DR Congo as well as the prospects for solutions.

  • Patrick Balemba And Emmanuel Tshimanga (CJP) to moderation.

How the evening will go

  • 6:30 p.m.: Welcome
  • 7:00 p.m.: Speaking
  • 8:00 p.m.: debates
  • 9:00 p.m.: end of the event and drinks

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