Conference “Decolonization: between memory and reconciliation” – with Amnesty International ULiège

Conference description

As part of our “Promotion of citizenship and interculturality” project of the Wallonia Brussels Federation: “Decolonization: between memory and reconciliation” which is part of our work on the colonial past, we will organize, in collaboration with Amnesty International ULiège, a 2 hour conference, on September 28, 2022, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the M.Wilmotte amphitheater, building A2 at the University of Liège.

The objective of this conference is to question the transmission of memory in relation to the Belgian colonial past (Rwanda, Burundi and Democratic Republic of Congo). Our wish is to be able to address the key elements of the transmission of the colonial past to younger generations, particularly through questions of generational trauma as well as the negative effects of ignorance that this past can have on social cohesion and living -together (the need for memory work).

Structured around the triptych “see-judge-act”, this conference will take place in a round table format (prepared question-and-answer time, then question-and-answer time from the public). Through this format, we will encourage interactions between speakers by relying on each person's responses.

For this, we will have the pleasure of welcoming 3 speakers to lead the conferences.

  • Marie-Fidèle Dusingize, anti-colonial activist (her instagram here)
  • Teacher. Pierre Verjans, doctor and honorary lecturer in political science at the University of Liège
  • Jérémie Piolat, research and project manager at BePax ASBL (her instagram here)

This conference is in line with our training “Decolonization, between memory and reconciliation”.

How the evening will go:

  • 6 p.m.: Doors open
  • 6:30 p.m.: Start of the conference
  • 8:30 p.m.: Drink
  • 9:30 p.m.: late evening

We are expecting many of you for this conference on memory and reconciliation with Amnesty ULiège! For the smooth running of the evening, your registration is requested. You can register via this form.

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